Top Academic London Preps
This is the top Academic London Prep Schools table, based on the percentage of pupils that took up places in the highest performing independent senior schools* in 2022.
Please be aware that only schools that share specific information on the destinations of their leavers are included. There are many other consistently high performing schools in London but their leavers' destinations are not published in a manner which allows us to include them here.
The schools in each category are ranked in order of the highest percentage of leavers moving on to top performing senior schools.
Sussex House |
39 |
The Hall |
50 |
Hereward House |
14 |
Dulwich Prep |
96 |
Westminster Cathedral Choir School |
24 |
Falkner House |
20 |
Glendower Prep |
34 |
Kensington Prep |
39 |
Sarum Hall |
23 |
Pembridge Hall |
41 |
Norland Place |
14 |
Chepstow House |
40 |
Saint Christina’s |
15 |
Cameron Vale School |
9 |
Newton Prep |
66 |
* as per the league tables published on
We recognise that a table such as this is not of course the only, nor indeed the most important indication of a ‘top school’. Equally important is that a prep school prepares each child for the next stage of their educational journey and ensures that they secure a place in the most suitable school. Prep schools which are non-selective on entry and which send children to a wide range of senior schools will be suitable for most children.
Please contact us for advice on choosing and applying to the best prep school for your child. Call +44 1622 813870